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Adopt A School

Adopt a school



           The North American Baptist Conference has worked along with the Cameroon Baptist Convention since 1936 to provide Christian education throughout Cameroon.  The schools provide government approved education while teaching Christian and moral education to over 30,000 Cameroonians throughout the country. In 1970, NABC handed over school operations to the CBC Education Board.  The Cameroonian government agreed to fund a portion of the educational budget.  However, with the growing costs of education and because of other pressing problems, the government has been unable to supply all the needs of the schools.  Schools have fallen into disrepair and teacher salaries are in arrears. The primary and nursery schools within the CBC are especially facing a crisis that needs immediate action.

            Many schools have wooden  desks that sit broken because there are no tools to fix them.  Roofs are falling apart and leak on teachers and students during the rainy season.  There are many schools with broken walls, windows, and dirt floors that will sit for months or years without being repaired.

            Furthermore, most nursery and primary schools do not have additional funds to buy books and supplies for their teachers. This has resulted in many teachers without the required textbooks. It is not uncommon for a teacher to borrow a textbook from the student on the weekend in order to plan the next week’s lesson.  There are also many students who do not have their own textbooks and will sit through a day’s lesson without being able to follow the course material. Lack of reading material has also added to the fact that illiteracy is rampant throughout many schools.  These conditions are  discouraging to students and to staff who have to teach and learn in this uncomfortable and unhealthy environment. 



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"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6