Our Mission




Our Mission


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The Cameroon Baptist Convention Education Board in collaboration with the Cameroon Government and in fulfillment of the command of the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28: 19-20, seeks to provide sound quality Christian education to all who need it as an expression of love and concern and as a means of witnessing in order that they might be brought to God through Jesus Christ.


  1. We affirm our concern for those who have difficulty in affording sound quality Christian education.
  2. We believe that through the provision of sound quality Christian education, we shall also    be taking care of the spiritual needs of the concerned.
  3. We believe in providing evangelism and discipleship through the provision of sound quality Christian education.
  4. We believe that working as unto the Lord implies good care, that the provision of sound quality Christian education can only be carried out by principled Christians and that stewardship in all aspects requires accountability not only unto man but unto God as well.
  5. We believe in the importance of prayer in the Christian Ministry.
  6. We believe in educating the whole person, that is, spiritually, morally, physically, socially and academically as the basis of a sound society.  To this end, the Education Board aims at:
    1. Training modern Cameroonians as a social force influencing future generations in the progressive development of Cameroon.
    2. Training young Cameroonians as agents of social, cultural, moral and economic development of Cameroon.
    3. Preparing the youths as a dynamic force for the cause of God and righteousness in the home, the Church, the Community, the Government and the Professions.

    All employees of the Board are required to live above reproach, maintain a good public relationship, be dynamic and totally committed to their cause in the service of God and man.  Hence, Board employees must be deeply committed to Christian principles.

Mission Statement
"The Education Board seeks to provide sound, quality Christian Education as an expression of love and concern through evangelization in obedience to the Great Commission as stipulated in Matt. 28:19 - 20"