Background of the Education Board of the CBC Baptist education started in 1844 through the efforts of Rev. Joseph Merrick who opened the first school in the coastal town of Bimbia. In 1928 the Cameroon Baptist Mission started providing organized schooling in order to fulfill the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and assist the government of Cameroon in providing education for all. Salaries of personnel and other financial implications never used to be a problem since the missionaries who formed the larger proportion of the staff, were paid from their home country, and government subventions used to come in full and regularly too. In 1970, the provision of this education to young Cameroon became the sole responsibility of the Baptist Christians of Cameroonian Nationality. The missionaries then decided to concentrate more on evangelism and health. Since then the efforts of the CBC have developed into the creation of and running of 6 managerial areas with 11 nursery schools, 103 primary schools, 7 secondary / high schools ad 1 teachers training college. These services are provided in four of the ten provinces of the Republic of Cameroon. This growth rate was made possible because the government subventions were still regular.
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6 Webmaster Email: cbceduc@yahoo.com